Mongolian VIsa
Mongolian Visa
If your country of resident is not in the list, you will need a visa to enter Mongolia.
There are 13 different types of Mongolian visa issued to foreign citizens by Mongolian authorized organizations to enable them to enter Mongolia on different purposes. Foreigners whom are entering Mongolia with travel purpose will need a visa type “J”.
№ | Country | Travel terms | Agreement |
Countries that granted visa-free entry for Mongolian nationals | |||
1 | Belarus* | Up to 90 days | 2013.09.04 |
2 | Brazil | Up to 90 days | 2015.09.21 |
3 | Hong Kong | Up to 14 days | 1998.06.18 |
4 | Israel | Up to 30 days | 1996.03.12 |
5 | Kazakhstan | Up to 90 days | 1994.12.02 |
6 | Kyrgyzstan | Up to 90 days | 1999.12.04 |
7 | Cuba | Up to 30 days | 2001.10.08 |
8 | Macau | Up to 90 days | 2004.07.03 |
9 | Malaysia | Up to 30 days | 1994.06.06 |
10 | Singapore | Up to 14 days | 1990.03.09 |
11 | Ukraine** | Up to 90 days /with official invitation only/ | – |
12 | Philippines | Up to 21 days | 1994.05.13 |
13 | China | Up to 30 days /for diplomatic, official or official E passport holders only/ | 1989.03.30 |
14 | Turkey | Up to 30 days | 2013.10.10 |
15 | Laos | Up to 30 days | 2007.10.14 |
16 | Thailand | Up to 30 days | 2008.01.13 |
17 | Serbia | Up to 90 days | 2013.11.08 |
18 | Russian Federation | Up to 30 days /from 2014.11.14/ | 2014.09.03 |
Countries that granted visa-free entry for Mongolian nationals holding diplomatic or official passports | |||
1 | Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Up to 90 days | 1986.11.14 |
2 | Bulgaria | Up to 30 days | 1982.12.25 |
3 | Vietnam | Up to 90 days | 2000.01.07 |
4 | Laos | Up to 90 days | 1978.06.08 |
5 | Mexico | Up to 90 days | 2001.11.09 |
6 | Romania | Up to 30 days | 1974.10.14 |
7 | Slovakia | Up to 90 days | 1992.06.26 |
8 | Republic of Korea | Up to 30 days | 1991.10.23 |
9 | Hungary | Up to 30 days | 1992.09.24 |
10 | Czech Republic | Up to 90 days
/Holders of diplomatic passport holders only/ |
2011.07.29 |
11 | Chile | Up to 90 days | 2003.09.25 |
12 | India | Up to 90 days | 2005.12.23 |
13 | Poland | Up to 90 days /from 2011.10.26/ | 2011.06.29 |
14 | Indonesia | Up to 30 days /from 2011.11.15/ | 2011.11.15 |
15 | Cyprus | Up to 90 days /from 2012.04.04/ | 2011.03.30 |
16 | Cambodia | Up to 30 days /from 2012.09.27/ | 2012.08.27 |
17 | Brunei | Up to 14 days /from 2013.08.01/ | 2013.07.01 |
18 | Kuwait | Up to 90 days /agreement has not been validated by the other party/ | 2013.04.16 |
19 | Peru | Up to 90 days /from 2014.03.13/ | 2013.04.30 |
20 | Germany | Up to 90 days
/Holders of biometric diplomatic passport holders only/ |
2013.05.08 |
21 | Columbia | Up to 30 days /agreement has not been validated by the other party/ | 2013.09.23 |
22 | France | Up to 90 days
/ Holders of diplomatic passport holders only/ |
2013.10.26 |
23 | Myanmar | Up to 30 days /from 2013.12.17/ | 2013.11.18 |
24 | Estonia | Up to 90 days
/Holders of biometric diplomatic passport holders only/ |
25 | Italy | Up to 90 days
/Holders of diplomatic passport holders only/ |
2014.07.14 |
26 | Latvia | Up to 90 days | 2014.06.12 |
27 | Turkmenistan | Up to 30 days | 2015.06.03 |
Other terms | |||
1 | United States of America | U.S. nationals are granted visa-free entry to Mongolia for stays of up to 90 days.
Mongolian nationals are entitled to apply for multiple entry visas which are valid for 3 to 10 years. |
2001.07.06 |
2 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | The holders of UK diplomatic passport are granted visa-free entry to Mongolia for stays of up to 30 days.
Mongolian nationals are entitled to apply for a single entry visas which are valid for 6 months and multiple entry visas that are valid from 6 months to 10 years. |
2009.06.29 |
3 | Japan | The Government of Mongolia has taken a decision under which Japanese nationals are granted visa-free entry to Mongolia for stays of up to 30 days. | Valid from 2010.04.01 |
4 | Federal Republic of Germany | The Government of Mongolia has taken a decision under which German nationals are granted visa-free entry to Mongolia for stays of up to 30 days. | Valid from 2013.09.01 |
5 | Canada | The holders of Mongolian ordinary passports and diplomatic passports are entitled to apply for multiple entry visas which are valid for 10 years and 4 years respectively.
The Government of Mongolia has taken a decision under which Canadian nationals are granted visa-free entry to Mongolia for stays of up to 30 days. |
Valid from 2014.01.01 |
Subject to visa requirements for other countries |
* “Intergovernmental agreement between Mongolian People’s Republic and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic on mutual visa facilitation agreement” of 1979 shall also apply to the nationals of Ukraine. The citizens of Mongolia and Ukraine need to present official invitations.
** The holders of United Nations Laissez-Passer (UNLP) and the officials of the UN Specialized Agencies travelling to Mongolia for the purposes of business and residency are exempt from visa requirements.
Embassy in Almaty
Ambassador Mr. Kh. Ayurzana
Embassy of Mongolia, Kazakhstan
Almaty ul. Musabaeva D 1,
Tel: 7-7272-69 35 36, 7-7272-693570,
7-327-2293790, 7-7272-551278
E-mail: info@mongemb.kz
Embassy in Ankara
Ambassador Mr. O. Ochirjav
Mogolistan Buyukelciligi (Embassy of Mongolia)
A.Fethi Okyar sokak No.4, Oran, Cankaya 06700 Ankara, TurkeyTel: 90-312-4921028, 90-312-4921027 (консул),
Fax: 90-312-4921064
E-mail: mogolelc@yahoo.com
Embassy in Bangkok
Embassy of Mongolia
100/3 Soi Ekkamai 22, Sukhumvit 63 Road, Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110el: 66 2-381-1400, 02-392-1011
Fax: 66 2-392-4199
E-Mail: mongemb@loxinfo.co.th
Embassy in Berlin
Ambassador Mr. B.Davaadorj
Botschaft der Mongolei
13156 Berlin
BR Deutschland (German)
Tel: 49-30-474806-0
49-30-474806-13 (mobile)
E-mail: 520025070730-0001@t-online.de
Website: http://www.botschaft-mongolei.de
Embassy in Budapest
Ambassador Ms. O.Erdenechimeg
Hungary 1022 Budapest,
Bogar Utca 14/c, Hungary
Mongol NagykovetsegTel: 36-1-2124579, 36-1-3268558
E-mail: mongolemb@t-online.hu
Embassy in Hanoi
Ambassador Mr. P.Sundev
Embassy of Mongolia
Villa No 6, Van Phuc Diplomatic Quarter, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-384 53009
Fax:84-4-384 54954
E-mail: mongembhanoi@vnn.vn
Embassy in Kuwait
El-Kuwait, South Surra, Al-Zahra Area, Block 8, Street 806, Villa 161
Tel: (+965) 25216551 / 25216554
Fax: (+965) 25216557
E-mail: kuwait@mfat.gov.mn
Embassy in Moscow
Ambassador Mr. D.Idevkhten
Россия г.Москва 121069 Борисоглебский пер.-11
Посольство МонгoлииTel: 7-495-690-67-92
Fax: 7-495-691-46-36
E-mail: mongolia@online.ru
Web site: www.mongolianembassy.ru/
Embassy in Ottawa
Ambassador Mr. T.Zalaa-Uul
Embassy of Mongolia
151 Slater Street,Suite 503 Ottawa, Canada
ON K1P 5H3
Tel: 1-613-569-3830 , 1- 613 698 9829Fax:1-613-569-3916
E-mail: mail@mongolembassy.org
Web site:http://www.mongolembassy.org
Embassy in Prague
Ambassador S.Tsoggerel
Velvyslanectvi Mongolska
Na Marne 5, Praha 6, 160 00 Ceska Republika / Czech Republic /
Tel: 420 224311198
420 224325760, 420 233326976
Fax:420 224314827
E-mail: monemb@bohem-net.cz
Website: prague@emongolia.eu
Embassy in Singapore
Ambassador Mr. P.Gansukh
Embassy of Mongolia
600 North Bridge Road. #24-08 Parkview Square
Singapore188778.Tel: 65-63480745
E-mail: consulmn@singnet.com.sg
Embassy in Stockholm
Ambassador Mr. B.Enkhmandakh
Embassy of Mongolia Svärdvägen 25B 182 33 Danderyd Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: (46-8) 753 11 35, (46-8) 753 11 36
Fax: (46-8) 753 11 38
E-mail: stockholm@mfat.gov.mn
Website: www.stockholm.mfat.gov.mn
Embassy in Sofia
Ambassador Mr. Ts. Gankhuyag
Sofia 1113, ul.Frederic Jolio Curie 52, Embassy of Mongolia, Bulgaria
Tel: 359-2-8659012
Embassy in Washington
Ambassador Mr. Kh.Bekhbat
Embassy of Mongolia
2833 M Street, NW Washington DC 20007 USA
Tel: 1-202-333-7117
E-mail: esyam@mongolianembassy.us
Web site: www.mongolianembassy.us
Permanent Mission in Geneva
Permanent Representative and Ambassador Mr. L.Orgil
Mission Permanente de la Mongolie 4, Chemin des Mollies 1293 Bellevue Suisse
Tel: 41-22-7741974
E-mail: mongolie@bluewin.ch
Web: www.missionmongolia.ch
Irkutsk – Consul General Mr. A.Bazarkhuu
Россия 664003
Ген.Консульство Монголии Г.Иркутск
ул.Лапина 11
Tel: 7-3952-342447, 7-3952-342445, 7-3952-342295
E-mail: irconsul@irmail.ru
Ulaan-Ude- Consul General Mr. G.Turtogtokh
670000 г.Улан-Удэ
Ген.Консульство Монголии
Tel: 7-301-2-215275
E-mail: mgcon_09@mail.ru
Kyzyl- Consul Mr. D.Bazarsad Россия 667000
Ген.Консульство Монголии
Fax:7-39422-20445 tel/fax
E-mail: mongolconsul@tuva.ru
Huh hot- Consul General Mr. Ts.Baasanjav
Zhongguo Huhe Haote
Xinchenqu Wulanxiaoqu 5 hao Lou Menguguo Zhonglinshiguan
Tel: 86- 471- 680 3540, 86 -471- 680 3541
86- 471- 6803542
E-mail: monconhh@gmail.com
Erlian – Consul General Mr. S.Batkhuyag
Zhongguo Erlian haote Weijian binguan er lou
Tel: 86-479-7539200
E-mail: ereen@mfat.gov.mn
Consular officer Mr. Kh.Boldkhuyag
Room 613, 8/4, Str. Gelyabova, Kiev-037 Ukraine
Tel: 44-2091071
E-mail: consulmo@gu.kiev.ua
Brest, Blarus
Consular officer Kh.Boldbaatar
224024, Республика Беларусь. г.Брест.
Перв Фортечный 12
Тел/Факс: 375-162-455548
E-mail: boldbaatar@mail.ru
Khalimag Republic, Russia
Consular representative Mr. U.Gonchigjav
358014, Республика Калмыкия, г.Элиста,
АТО ”Город Шахмат”, коммедж № 4.2.2Tel: 8 (84722) 6-17-36
Факс: 8 (84722) 6-17-36
Mobi: 88141001,89054090123
E-mail: mglelista@yahoo.com
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